*Featured by Yahoo! and AppAdvice*
RecipeReadr will completely change the way you cook. Instead of having to repeatedly glance at your recipe while preparing an awesome dish, you can just ask your phone for the next step in the recipe without taking your eyes off of the deliciousness you're making. With RecipeReadr, you can take your recipes with you wherever you go, as they are securely stored in the cloud and are accessible on any iOS device. We make it easy to import recipes into the app: simply take a picture of a recipe or find it on the internet. Before you know it, you'll be all set to embark on your next cooking adventure!
*Sophisticated speech recognition
*Simple, clean interface
*Import recipes from a recipe book or from nearly any website
*Get your recipes on all of your iOS devices
*Unlimited free, secure cloud storage for your recipes
Get RecipeReadr now!
- Enhanced for iOS 11