Squiggly lets you send fun and awesome drawings and animations to your friends, family and the rest of the world directly through messages and mail!
Quickly scribble hand drawn responses or carefully craft small animations. It's up to you. In any case it brings fun, life and a very personal touch to your messages, mail correspondences and anywhere else you can imagine.
The best part? It's really simple! Install the Squiggly keyboard and you'll be able to draw your squiggles inside all of your existing apps that support custom keyboards and animated gifs. When you're satisfied with your creation simply copy and paste it into your app and you're ready to impress!
Squiggly features:
- a nice simple set of drawing tools
- a handfull of colors
- lots of frames just waiting for your animation desires
You send standard gif images so the receivers don't even need Squiggly to see your squiggles. Squiggles works through iMessage, SMS, Mail and much more. As long as the apps supports gifs, Squiggly works.
The keyboard needs full access for the copy/paste action to work.
We DO NOT store any data neither online nor locally.
We DO NOT collect any information about you, about your actions or anything else.
The only place your drawings will ever appear is where you choose to place them. It is as simple as that.
Have fun squiggling!
We had a bug that caused your great squiggles to look like boring black blobs, if you were using an iPhone 6+ with bold text turned on. That bug is no more. Yay!
Psst.... although this is just a bug fix release, we also made a secret feature. Try long pressing the + for adding a frame identical to the current one. That could be handy now and then. But don't tell anyone.