EN: Free today with App of the Day
Download ‘App of the Day’, and every day discover one paid app absolutely free!”
KR: “앱 뒤 주르”가 드리는 오늘의 무료 앱
“앱 뒤 주르”를 다운로드 하시고 매일 하나의 유료 앱을 24시간 동안 무료로 받으세요!
RU: С Приложением Дня бесплатно только сегодня
Cкачайте Приложение Дня и каждый день в течение 24 часов наслаждайтесь одним платным приложением абсолютно бесплатно
FR: Gratuit aujourd’hui avec App du Jour
Téléchargez “App du Jour” et découvrez chaque jour une nouvelle app payante qui passe gratuite pour 24h
IT: Oggi gratis grazie ad App Del Giorno
Scaricate l'app "App del Giorno" e scoprirete ogni giorno un' app a pagamento che diventa gratuita per 24 ore!
DE: Heute gratis mit der App des Tages
Lade die „App des Tages“ herunter und entdecke jeden Tag eine kostenpflichtige App, die für 24 Stunden gratis ist.
ES: Hoy gratis con App Del Día
¡Descarga la app "App del Día" y descubre cada día una aplicación de pago que se convierte en gratuita durante 24 horas!
BR: Hoje grátis com App Do Dia
Baixe o "App do dia" e descubra a cada dia um aplicativo pago que se torna gratuito por 24 horas!
NL: Vandaag gratis met App van de Dag
Download de "App van de Dag " en ontdek elke dag een betaal-app die 24 uur lang gratis is !
SE: Gratis idag med ”Dagens App”!
Ladda ner ”Dagens App” och upptäck varje dag en ny betalapp som blir gratis i 24 timmar.
Give your iDevice [iPhone, iPod touch and iPad] unique look and appearance.
Create your own blurred customized wallpapers in a matter of few taps.
In easy steps you can unleach your creativity and make your own fully customized wallpapers.
- Select one of HD images from App library or select one of your images as a base for the wallpaper.
- Apply the degree of blur effect you want to it.
- You can use one of the patterns from App library as a brush to give the wallpaper a creative unique look.
- Share your masterpiece on Facebook, Twitter, email and even more.
- fix minors bugs
-Adding Blur Social network to enable users to share backgrounds with friends