"Rediscovery of Reverb"
This app provides a beautiful reverb effecting the sound you are listening through a microphone and earphones.
As you close your eyes, it will change a sound space from living room to cathedral, kitchen to concert hall.
It doesn't need to use any special microphone or earphones.
Highly recommend standard Apple earphones with built-in microphone (EarPods) .
How to play:
Wear your earphones and start the app.
Try to play humming or whistling whatever you want.
Then try to listen to a lot of sounds around you.
That is all.
- The special reverb engine "chiverb".
- 32-bit floating point digital signal processing.
- 6 factory presets / 3 editable user presets.
- Background audio support (optional, the default is off)
Earphones or Headphones
(Wireless headphones are not supported)
This app is not a music player with reverb effect.
This app needs microphone and earphones being used at the same time.
Please note that audio feedback should be caused if you use them closely each other.
64-bit support, bug fix.