iNstein is an easy to use scientific calculator with physical constants, which probably would have been Einstein's choice. The ergonomic keyboard layout ensures the secure input of arithmetic expressions. The flexible slide keyboard allows an easy change between the different keyboards for mathematical functions, physical constants and conversion of units. The history automatically stores the last 100 expressions. With a touch gesture arithmetic expressions and results can be called from the history list.
Mathematical functions:
+, -, *, /
x^y, square root, cubic root,
sin, cos, tan, cot, asin, acos, atan,
sinh, cosh, tanh, asinh, acosh, atanh
e^x,ln, log, log2, deg➞rad, rad➞deg,
min, max, modulo, factorial, nCr, nPr, hypot, arg, lcm, gcd
Physical constants:
atomic mass constant,
Avogadro constant,
Bohr radius,
elementary charge,
local gravitational acceleration,
electric constant,
magnetic constant,
Newtonian constant of gravitation,
speed of light in vacuum,
electron mass,
proton mass,
neutron mass,
Rydberg constant times c in Hz,
Planck constant,
Euler's number,
alpha particle mass,
Boltzmann constant,
absolute zero in °C,
Stefan-Boltzmann constant,
molar gas constant,
normal pressure,
Rydberg constant,
Faraday constant,
molar volume of ideal gas (273.15 K, 1.01325 bar),
Coulomb constant
Conversions of units (and vice versa):
J➞eV, J➞kWh, °C➞°F, °C➞K, °F➞K, cm➞in, cm➞ft, m➞yd, mi➞m, kg➞lb,
m/s➞mph, m/s➞km/h, m/s➞Mach, m/s➞kn, km/h➞mph, cm^2➞m^2, mm^2➞m^2,
mm^3➞m^3, cm^3➞m^3
minor bugfixes