Smart Stock is helping you manage and track all stocks you are watching or holding, check its current price in real time, watch its trend closely, calculate the gain and loss automatically. And you can explorer news related with your portfolio or the whole market, and check the currency exchange rates when you needed.
World-Wide markets Stocks/Multiple Portfolios/Currency Rates/Gain Loss Calculator. This is the definitely Best stocks' tracking tool with many cool features.
Core features are:
* World-wide markets.
* Set a favorite market in home page, watch its indices.
* Up-to-date real time stock data
* Multiple portfolios
* Financial News and stock related news
* Multiple type of Charts
* Global market indices
* Currency exchange rates
* Notes, add notes to your stock
* Smart Pagination
* Shares, earn/lost, watch your money anytime.
* and much more.
* Some market's data is delayed.
Added 5D Chart back, and removed the 5Y Chart.