Meet Pimp Your Sound optimized for iOS 7.
Pimp Your Sound is here to customize the sound of your device by giving you an exclusive selection of specially created and licensed ringtones, text tones, email tones, calendar alerts, tweets sounds, and more!
Select a tune from the rich "Ringtone Collection" or make your own ringtones from your favorite songs with "Ringtone Maker". Customize every single sound on your device using "Sound Theme Maker":
* Ringtones
* Text Tones
* New Voicemail Tones
* New/Sent Mail Tones
* Calendar Alerts
* Reminder Alerts
* Tweet Sounds
- Constantly updated Ringtone Collection
- Ringtone Maker + Sound Theme Maker
- Built-in music player for pre-listening before creating
- Create ringtones from your favorite songs
- Record your own sounds
- Apply Reverse sound effect
- Change tracks’ pitch
- Submit your ringtone and see if others like it
- Share ringtones via email, Facebook or Twitter
- Check our the most popular and recently added sounds
- Mark favorite sounds when listening
- Universal application: install once, use it across all your devices
Get the ringtones to perfectly suit your mood or any occasion. It's time to Pimp Your Sound!
We add new tunes and sounds on a regular basis. Just tap "New" to see updates.
- Meet Pimp Your Sound optimized for iOS 7
- App icon redesigned for iOS 7
- New cool ringtones – your friends will be green with envy!
- Facebook sharing improvements
- Performance and stability improvements