Facebook Friendz

Price: $1.29


Social Networking
MarkelSoft, Inc.
2.2 MB
Compatibility: Requires iOS 6.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. This app is optimized for iPhone 5.


Notifies you when your Facebook friends become available to chat. See when any of your friends come online or go offline from Facebook. Watch friends of high interest and get various type notifications including voice.

See the live wall and online status of all your Facebook friends or just important friends you want to watch. Be alerted when friends come online or offline via message, computer voice or sound notifications. View just friends that are online or being watched and post to any friend's wall.

Read any of your friends wall posts or say when a user is online or offline in built-in computer voice.

Your friends can be shown with their profile picture-only or with their current wall posts.

One-click post allows quick posting to any of your friends walls.

Watch specific friends to receive notifications when they come online or offline.

Clicking the picture will display a popup menu allowing you to post a message to that friend's Facebook Wall, go to the user's Facebook page or watch when the friend comes online or offline.

Friends that are online have a green dot in the upper left-hand corner of their picture.

The People icon in the upper right-hand corner displays the full status details. The full status details shows the most recent post first followed by older posts which start with an *. Details are only available if not in Picture Only mode.

In order to display your friends information, you must first log into Facebook. When Friends first starts, you will be prompted to login to Facebook to allow Friends access to your Facebook information. Once logged in, the logged in username is displayed at the bottom of the screen. If you exit the app without logging off, you will be automatically logged into that user's account when you restart the app. Clicking the logged in user's name will display a popup menu allowing you to post a message to the logged in user's Facebook Wall or to go to their Facebook page. Use the Logout menu to log the current user out so you can login as someone else.

Use the Copy menu to copy of your Facebook friends information to the clipboard.

Use the Share menu to email all of your Facebook friends information.

Use the Snapshot menu to save a collage of your displayed friends pictures to your Photos. This is really recommended for Picture Only mode and only saved the visible friends pictures.

Use the Search menu to search your friends for a name or status text.

Use the Online Friends menu to show only friends online. The All Friends menu reverts to showing all friends.

Use the Watched Friends menu to show only friends that you are watching.

Use Settings (gear icon upper left-hand corner of screen) 'Picture Only'', to turn on showing friends by picture only. You can also set the size of the picture. This mode is especially useful for the iPhone and iPod Touches smaller screen.

Use Settings 'Status Monitor' to turn on or off automatic updating of your friend's status information.

Use Settings Watched Friend Options display an alert message for friends that are online or offline.

Use Setting Startup Options to clear your watched friends list on startup if you desire to reset watched friends.



What's New

- new screen colors
- support for iOS8
- fixed bug with sharing

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Social Networking
MarkelSoft, Inc.
2.2 MB
Compatibility: Requires iOS 6.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. This app is optimized for iPhone 5.