- If you experience problems with the update (1.3.2), please uninstall the app completely from your device and then reinstall. If it still doesn't work, please get in touch with [email protected] - I may have a fix for you.
Featured by AppAdvice! (@AppAdvice)
Unfriended is a clean, straight-to-the-point app that can show you who has removed you as a friend on Facebook - and thanks to push notifications, when! Furthermore it is 100% discreet - Unfriended will never post anything to your wall.
Please remember that Unfriended can only show you who has removed you as a friend AFTER the time which you installed this app. (Getting results BEFORE the time you installed the app is just NOT possible.)
As a final warning: I can't guarantee that Facebook won't delete this app in the future.
-Thanks for looking!