
Price: $9.99


Stefan Hansel
1.6 MB


SqueezePad is THE easy and intuitive (yet powerful) App to control your Logitech(TM) SqueezeBox from your iPad. You can even upgrade (in app purchase) to allow playback of your music from your iPad.

If in doubt, why not watch it on YouTube first: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xc1TqeUJlC4

Please read about all supported configurations and limitations at the end of the App description.
If you need support or anything is not working: just follow the support link to my FAQ showing you different ways of receiving support.

★★ Control your music and enjoy your coverart ★★

SqueezePad allows you to control all your music: change the volume, choose to play/pause, skip or rewind as you like and see your coverart with a size it deserves.

★★ Playback directly on iPad (in App purchase, requires local server) ★★

Now your iPad becomes a small Squeezebox on its own, and is able to stream your local music, internet radio stations or songs from Apps like Last.FM, Deezer or WiMP (Rhapsody and Pandora NOT working right now, due to licensing issues, Spotify only works with the help of triodes plugin installed in a Squeezebox-Server, Napster only works with Windows-based server)

You'll find this feature as an in app purchase in the players menu. Just hit the 'Activate iPad Playback' button and you can either test the feature 15 minutes each day or buy it directly.

The following music formats are supported directly:
mp3, FLAC, aac, alac, wav, aiff, pcm

With the help of your Squeezebox Server you can also stream OGG-files to your iPad (it will convert them automatically to either WAV or MP3).
If your Squeezebox Server runs on a Windows machine, even WMA-files are supported!

★★ Original SqueezeBox-Menus ★★

SqueezePad shows the original Squeezebox menus as you already know them from your device. No need to learn other paths – you’ll find your way around instantly!

Those menus also give you access to all the additional music services: Pandora, Napster, Spotify (server plugin needed), Last.FM, Deezer … everything is there where and how you’d expect it.

★★ Easy playlist control ★★

SqueezePad gives easy access to your current playlist.
Here you see the covers of your entries, title and artist name nicely rendered.
Use the small handles to reorder songs, swipe left or right to delete them … or just tap to select them.

Last but not least: loading, saving or clearing playlists is as easy as everything else in SqueezePad (loading and saving only works for users with a Squeezebox-server).

★★ Context menus at your fingertip ★★

A long touch on a menu item, the big coverart or a playlist entry brings up the context-menu. This allows you to put songs/albums to the end of the current playlist.
Context menu are also the place where most SqueezeBox-plugins put their additional content – don’t miss the great additions you can get with plugins like ‘Biography’ , ‘Album Review’ or ‘Information Screen’.

★★ Screensaver Mode ★★

Tap the big cover-art and SqueezePad switches to a screensaver mode. Now you get even bigger cover art on your iPad and can leave it in the dock or on a stand.
This makes SqueezePad a great Information Screen for your next party.
Screensafer Mode supports both landscape and portrait orientation.

★★ Other stuff ★★

There are so many other interesting thing, but I'm not allowed to write more text here :) ... come over to my homepage to read more about SqueezePad!

★★ Requirements ★★

Requires SqueezeBox-Server v7.4 or v7.5, to be downloaded from http://www.mysqueezebox.com/download.
Also supports direct connection to MySqueezebox.com if you don't own a local server.
Please note: switching player between MySB.com and your local server is NOT supported though - you still need to switch Players directly on the device from a local server to MySB.com and back if needed.



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Stefan Hansel
1.6 MB