This is a special package of game-helper apps from the best-selling bundle app "90 in 1 : APPZILLA!" It includes 3 great apps to use when playing games! Including:
✔ Dice Roller - roll up to 6, 6 sided die - hold die, auto sum die and dice history features provided
✔ Tally Counter - Keep track of up to 4 scores. Count up or down feature included
✔ Buzzer - provides two large buttons that play the classic "right answer" ding and "wrong answer" buzz. Great for group games where players ding in or buzz incorrect answers!
Also, "90 in 1 : APPZILLA" has these 3 game-helper apps plus 87 more apps for only 99 cents. Check it out in the store by searching for APPZILLA or download this pack for the game-helper apps only.