Did you EVER wonder how your iPhone could make the WORLD a GREENER place?
With Greenit! YOU CAN DO IT! And empower yourself to make a Difference!
The old saying IS TRUE: “A PICTURE is worth a thousand words.” ECO-conscious individuals are already "Provingit!" by showing how the world CAN BE a better place through Greenit! customized design imaging on their iPhone.
Add GREEN and CLEAN elements that will illustrate how EXACT sustainable progress could be achieved!
Think of a place (maybe your neighborhood) that would benefit from sustainable ACTION. Simply snap a picture of reality and Greenit! IMPROVE and DESIGN a sustainable Greenit! image utilizing natural plant life to clean technology (ex. Solar Panels).
Greenit! also allows you to add customized font text to each picture for further reach to your audience. Greenit! offers an endless variation of sustainable elements that will open any non-sustainable mind to new possibilities.
For the PROFESSIONAL, Greenit! IS a VALUE-ADD TOOL that gives IN THE FIELD results for architects, designers, planners, activists and all sustainable FRONTLINE thinkers alike.
With BEFORE and AFTER results in hand, YOUR VISION can have a showcase delivery with IMMEDIATE and REAL IMPACT.
SHARING your Greenit! design has never been easier. You can upload it to twitter, facebook and of course e-mail to your Greenit! designs to friends, family or colleagues in seconds.
In addition we would like to acknowledge your Greenit! designs at our home grown communities. Please share your designs with us at www.GreenITers.com or our Greenit! group at Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/groups/greenit/
Using greenit! (Quick Step by Step Guide)
1) Set Preferences
2) Take Green Pic
3) Capture (take a new picture) or Upload a previous picture (Photo Gallery)
4) Objects (choose your greenit! elements) you can re-size and move it around (you have to choose Object Layers first before do re-size/move)
5) Text (add text (not mandatory))
6) Style (choose font / color / size)
7) Save / Share
A video Demo can be found here>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cAeYFp50CDI&feature=related
Start greening the world now!