Route 411 might be experiencing some outages with route times due to the upgrade, please let us know!
Public transportation information right at your fingertips. Route411 is a comprehensive transit application we know you’ll love.
The Maximum number of city changes is 2 in the preference menu. It alerts you for the last change with an additional prompt.
Current features include:
* GPS Aware
* Displays all stops in a radius on the map (allows you to scroll around the city)
* Easily get arrival times for all routes through a given stop
* User-friendly interface
* “Favorites” feature to give you quick access to frequently used Bus Stops or Routes
* Point of Interest system using Open Data, with auto display and wild-card(fuzzy) search.
Current cities supported:
* Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
* Toronto, Ontario, Canada (Including York Region)
* Guelph, Ontario, Canada
* Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
We are in the process of adding more cities, no client upgrade required.
Whether you use public transportation regularly or just on occasion, Route411 will definitely save you time and frustration when looking for a bus stop or route. We at fusedlogic would like to thank-you in advance for trying our application should we be fortunate to have you as a customer, we’d also appreciate any feedback you might have. We are listening.