For a limited time only, this app is available at a new Cool, but not quite Sub-Zero, price.
And now, it's time for the newly upgraded Cool Wall Quiz...
One of the Cool Wall's charms - and equally its most frustrating aspect - is that, as you might expect, Clarkson rarely listens to anyone else's opinion. But now, you can try rating the cars yourself, with Top Gear's new Cool Wall Quiz app for the iPhone and iPod Touch.
The Cool Wall Quiz App contains over 350 cars with our newly added features of full screen car shots, car stats and some witty quotes from for all of the models.
Choose where you would place them on the Cool Wall before finding out if Clarkson, Hammond and May agree with you. You can try as many cars as you like and then get your score.
Be warned though, the car stats are highly suitable as slightly dodgy pub facts, but use sparingly when you need to win an argument. Where there was more than one model, we simply picked our favourite - for the most accurate stats, is still the place to go.
Download the Cool Wall app or alternatively you can try nailing large chunks of meat to a wall - which is what Stig's been doing recently.