Have you ever loaned someone money? Have you ever needed to keep track of partial payments on a personal loan? Have you ever had problems maintaining accurate records of payments or keeping track of the loan balance? Or maybe you're making micro-loans. For small personal loans or for becoming your own "personal bank", Loan Tracker is the application for you.
Loan Tracker isn't just another financial calculator. Loan Tracker is an application designed to keep track of your loaned money. Keep track of loans you make to others or your own loans. It even works to keep track of bank loans! It is capable of recording multiple loans, payments on the loans, and the current payoff balance of each. A convenient amortization calculator is included to help you setup your loans.
- Enter new loans with origination balance, interest rate, and origination date.
- View individual loan status, showing current balance and payment history.
- Enter new payments as they're given to you.
- Edit existing payments.
- Simple amortization calculator gives amortized payment based on entered data and shows the amortization table.
- "What If" calculator shows affect of additional principle payments to loan cost.
Future versions are planned with added capability.
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