Lexi-Drugs & Lexi-Interact combines Lexi-Comp’s best selling databases in one application.
Lexi-Drugs is our most comprehensive drug database, with content that addresses all patient populations and clinical specialties such as:
-internal medicine
-and more
Also included are tables and charts collected from all of Lexi-Comp’s drug information handbooks!
Lexi-Interact performs an analysis of a patient's entire drug and natural product profile to identify possible interactions. Fully referenced and evidence-based, this application facilitates a patient-specific, risk-to-benefit assessment.
Lexi-Comp’s clinical team conducts constant surveillance of the FDA, pharmaceutical industry, and clinical literature to develop timely, unbiased information that helps healthcare providers make more informed decisions, reduce adverse drug events, and deliver better patient care.
Note: Currently, all iTunes applications are one year subscriptions. For multi-year subscription information, please visit www.lexi.com.
Student rebates available at www.lexi.com/individuals/students.