Sun & Moon 3D Planetarium Pro

Price: $6.99


Henning Poulsen
11.0 or later


Point your iPhone to the sky and explore the movement of the sun, moon, planets and stars across the sky while you change time by swiping the display. You can even change your location -- wondering how the sky looks where there's midnight sun? Or try setting your location to the other side of the equator and watch the sky rotating in the opposite direction.
Even watch through your phones camera, by toggling the AR-button.

When do solstices and equinoxes occur? Find out with this app! Even get a notification when they occur. Get a notification when the sun sets. Waiting for full moon? Get notified when it occurs.

Predict lunar eclipses and simulate the earth's shadow across the moon by simply swiping across the moon in the lunar eclipses view!

••• You need this app -- get it now! •••

• Predict the positions of the sun, the moon, or the planets for any time for any position on Earth.
• Sunrise, sunset for any given date - just swipe the sky view. Click on date or clock symbol to go back to current time.
• In the Sun tab, scroll through the days and notice the the sunrise and sunset times changing.
• Moonrise, moonset for any given date.
• Solar System view.
• Click on map symbol to choose a new location on a map.
• Today widget for quick view
• Notifications
• By swiping the sky view, you change the time and date
• Swipe fast (fast forward/rewind in time) by using three fingers.
• Swipe with two fingers to change orientastion
• Tap on the info text to hide it for better view.
• Pinch or tap to zoom

Today Widget
• A today widget gives fast access to the essential data about sun and moon, including a red arrow pointing in its direction. Excellent when you only need a quick glance at when the sun sets and it gets dark

• Notifications notify you of sunset, sunrise, new moon, full moon, solstice, equinox (the sun passes equator and day and night have nearly equal length), and these can be turned on or off. Sunset notification can be sent 30 minutes before sunset.
• Choose in Settings which notifications you would like and which you would like to turn off.
• No unsolicited notifications! Only notifications related to sunsets, solstices, equinox etc.

Share Button
• Share to friends and involve them in the fascinating world of Sun and Moon watching.

Change View
• You can change between Sky View and Space View, where each cellestial body's position in space is carefully and correctly calculated, however distance and sizes of sun and moon have been resized to make them visible.

The moon phase text field shows the moon's illumination, and if the moon is in the Earth's shadow it changes to Lunar Eclipse (0-100 %), and if the moon covers the sun for your position, the text changes to Solar Eclipse (0-100 %.)

See how sunrise and sunset times differ for various places and dates.

It will work with no network coverage, and in flight mode, however showing your location as an address requires internet connection. With no internet, timezones are off, so if you simulate the sky from another location on Earth, the times are your local time.
Showing map requires internet connection. Showing the sattelite view on ground requires internet connection.

Don't forget to leave a review, to help others find this fantastic app!
And remember, never look directly at the real sun. Have fun using the app!

Disclaimer. This app calculates the sun and moon positions very accurately with an error margin of up to 0.03°, which is good in most cases, however, always refer to table values for most accurate calculations of solar eclipse and the like, since they require more powerful calculations. The sun and the moon have an angular diameter of approximately 0.5°, and with an error margin of 0.03° each, eclipse times are calculated with an error margin of ± 10 minutes.



What's New

Bugfix in 6.1.1:
• Planets made a little bigger in Skyview so they are easier to find.
New in 6.1:
• Change view orientation in 3D by swiping with two fingers. Switch mode by simply tapping either of two modes in the new mode control, or simply by swiping with two fingers to activate, tapping with two fingers to deactivate.
• 3D function now works in devices with no compass sensor, use two finger swipe to change orientation.

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    Date: 2019-07-02 22:29 Version:6.1.1  For iOS 12 For iOS 11 
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Henning Poulsen
11.0 or later