Text Workflow: Text Converter

Price: $7.99


Georgios Trigonakis
12 or later


A powerful and easy-to-use tool that will help you transform your text. Text Workflow removes the need to perform repetitive tasks manually on your text.

Combine transformation actions to create powerful automations for your text. Save your transformation workflows to use them any time you want.

With more than 45 text transformation actions.

Text Workflow is an easy-to-use yet extremely powerful app for taking any text and transforming it into the format you need, when you need it.

Whether you’re a journalist tired of making repetitive changes to text so that you can use it in your copy or a programmer who needs to convert YAML to JSON with ease, Text Workflow is the app you’ve been looking for.

Take any text that doesn’t look the way you need it to and Text Workflow will make the changes so that you don’t have to. It’ll do it quickly and securely, too — all conversions are done on-device so your text is never transmitted over the internet.

Text Workflow’s iPhone and Mac apps are the perfect tools for converting text at your desk and on the move — and iCloud sync means that all of your workflows go with you as well.

With an extensive (and growing) list of text transformation actions Text Workflow can do it all. Some examples of the actions available include:
•Add and remove text
•Replace unwanted text
•Sort text based on your parameters
•Convert text case to match your needs
•Remove line breaks, unwanted spaces, and duplicate words.
•Count words, characters, and lines

And that’s just the start. Text Workflow can do more than manipulate simple text — you can also encode and decode URLs and Base64 and convert multiple data formats including JSON, CSV, and YAML. Text Workflow can manipulate text in too many ways to list here — see the full list at the support page.

Text Workflow is designed to be easy to use but also caters to those with more advanced needs. You can chain multiple actions together to create your own workflow and even share those workflows with others. Need to go a step further? Shortcuts support puts all of Text Workflow’s actions at your fingertips at all times.

Available text transformation actions:
• Add prefix
• Add suffix
• Replace text
• Sort lines
-by length
• Trim Lines
• Add line number
• Break lines
-after every word
-after every sentence
-after text
-before text
• Convert Case
-title case
-camel case
-pascal case
• Delete Characters
-selected characters
-numeric characters
-non numeric
-characters after position
-characters before position
-last characters
-characters after text
-characters before text
• Insert Text
-at first line
-at last line
-every line (position)
-before every word
-after every word
-before text
-after text
-after every character
• Delete Lines
-containing text
-starting with text
-not containing text
-not starting with text
• Remove line breaks
• Remove multiple spaces
• Remove duplicates lines
• Remove duplicates words
• Remove empty lines
• Delete/Filter words
-containing text
-starting with text
-not containing text
-not starting with text
• Spell out lines
• Get Statistics
-count characters
-count words
-count lines
• Encode/Decode
• Encrypt/Decrypt Text with password
• Beautify JSON
• Beautify XML



What's New

I’m excited to introduce Text Workflow 2.0, a major update with many new features and improvements! Here’s what’s new:

#Workflow Management
Custom Icon and Color: Personalize your workflows by choosing icon and color.
Descriptions: Add descriptions to each workflow for better organization and understanding.
Favorites: Easily mark and access your favorite workflows.
Keyboard Shortcuts: Assign keyboard shortcuts to workflows, enabling quick execution from any app.

#Advanced Workflow Capabilities
Partial Text Processing: Apply workflows to either the entire input text or specific parts based on criteria like regular expression matches.
Nested Workflows: The new "Call Workflow" action allows you to run workflows from within other workflows, facilitating complex and reusable workflow setups.

#New AI-Powered Actions
Generate Image from Text: Use your OpenAI API key to generate images based on input text.
Text to Speech: Convert text into audio files, choosing from OpenAI voices and setting the speech speed.
Support for GPT-4o: Added support for the new GPT-4o model for better AI performance.

#New Text Processing Actions
Remove Markdown: Strip markdown symbols from your text to leave plain text.
Repeat Text: Repeat the input text a specified number of times with a custom delimiter.
Remove Line Numbers: Removes line numbers from the beginning of each row,
Math Calculations: Automatically evaluate math expressions within your text (e.g., (5+7)/2 returns 6).
Reading Time: Estimate the reading time for your text, customizable by words per minute.

#Enhanced Text Styling Options
Style Text Action: Now includes additional styles:
- Monospace
- Cursive
- Gothic
- Fullwidth

Improved Text Trimming Options
Trim Left Side: Remove whitespace only from the left side of each line.
Trim Right Side: Remove whitespace only from the right side of each line.

General Improvements
Bug Fixes: Various bug fixes and performance improvements.

Thank you for using Text Workflow! I hope you enjoy the new features. Your feedback is always appreciated.
- George Trigonakis -

George Trigonakis

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    Date: 2024-05-22 22:16 Version:2.0
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Georgios Trigonakis
12 or later